Applied Engineering
Tutor: Laura Kirkwold
Length:Full Year Class Period: Thursday, period 4
Description: Explore the world of engineering through hands-on projects. In-class projects will cover the following topics: bridges, catapults, pneumatic machines, electrical circuits, the electromagnetic spectrum and lenses, simple machines, nanotechnology, momentum, aerodynamics, sweeteners, and plastics.

Tutor: Laura Kirkwold has a B.S. in biochemistry from the University of Minnesota College of Biological Sciences. After graduation she worked in the research lab at the University of Minnesota Dental School. She has four graduated and working young adults. She has been teaching at CHAT since 2007.

Cost:  $235, $245, or $255 per semester (depending on registration date)
: Grades 7-9

Prerequisite: None
Homework: 1-2 hours per week
Text: none   
Supplies: Students should bring a 3-ring binder and paper to class.