Docs, Sheets, and Slides!
Tutor: Sam Adjei
Length: Full Year Class Period: Wednesday, period 4

Description: This class will introduce students to the Microsoft and Google Suite of Office Applications (Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Sheets, Docs and Slides). Students will learn how to navigate these applications and use them to create useful and engaging content. Students will be required to have a computer in class that can access the internet.

First semester will focus on Spreadsheets. Second semester will focus on Docs and Slides

Distance Learning Option:  Students wishing to attend this class online can join the live class at its regularly scheduled time through Google Classroom.  Students should register for the class through the online registration form and then contact the tutor by email.

Tutor: Sam Adjei was born and raised in Ghana. When he came to the U.S. he joined the Army and served for 8 years while attending college with the University of Maryland University College. He is an IT Consultant, currently with RBA - a  Technology Company in Wayzata. He is married to Nana Ama and they have 4 kids - Siona, Anica, Josiah and Jediah.

Cost:  $210, $220 or $230 per semester (depending on registration date)
Prerequisite: none
Text: none
Supplies:  Laptop computer with access to the internet. Microsoft Office installed if possible but not required. Students should bring computer charger to class every week.