Tutor: Becca Patenaude
Email: Becca.Patenaude@chatclasses.com |
Length: Full Year | Class Period: Wednesday, period 3 |
Description: This is a fun, challenging, and very interactive high school Spanish course. While engaging in a variety of activities to promote communication in Spanish, students will learn fundamental vocabulary and grammar concepts. Students will also have exposure to other areas such as geography, history, music, and art as they pertain to the Spanish language and culture. The Realidades I textbook and workbook are very user friendly and comprehensive. Additional online activities will be provided. Everyone will be expected to speak as much Spanish as possible. In the beginning this will be limited, but as the year progresses, more and more Spanish will be spoken. Tutor: Becca Patenaude has B.A. in Spanish and k-12 Education from Concordia College. She taught high school Spanish before she decided to stay home with her children. In recent years she has worked as a tutor, homeschooler, and as an assistant teacher at a Spanish immersion elementary school. In college, she lived in Guatemala and has traveled extensively in Central America doing short term missions work. Becca is passionate about helping students to develop confidence to speak Spanish in real-life settings. In the classroom, Spanish is spoken as much as possible with the goal of an immersive language experience, but English is spoken when necessary. Spanish will be practiced in a variety of ways to target all types of learners. Becca lives in Bloomington with her husband and 5 children (ages 2-19), and enjoys hiking, gardening, and travel.
$225, $235,
or $245
per semester (depending on registration
The student textbook and workbook can be purchased at www.savvas.com. New and used copies can also often be found on other online sites such as Amazon, Ebay, CHAT website, and Abebooks. Note: Spanish 1 and 2 use the same textbook and workbook, so both years are covered with the above purchases.