Jr. High Speech
Tutor: Sonja Hettinga
Email: sonja.hettinga@chatclasses.com
Length: Full Year Class Period:  Wednesday, period 2

Description:  In addition to traditional speech topics and skills, we will focus on the importance of active listening in a distracted world. We will practice self introductions, hand shakes, eye contact and being ready to share our faith stories. Students will increase their comfort speaking through games, activities and speeches (formal, informal and impromptu) spanning different genres.

Tutor: Sonja Hettinga graduated with a B.A. degree from Metropolitan State University in St. Paul. There she studied Political Science and Communication. She spent the early part of her career working in a legislative office and committee at the MN State Senate before pursuing a corporate career. Sonja has had a lifelong deep love for creative expression through writing. She now spends her time homeschooling her two elementary aged children and loves seeing how God’s word ties into all studies.


Cost: $220, $230 or $240 (per semester, depending on registration date)
: Grades 7-8

Prerequisite: None
Homework: TBD
Text: Speech for Today (A Beka) (Note: There are a number of used copies of this book available online.  Check Ebay first or do a Google search.)

Speech for Today

Supplies:  None