CHAT Weekly: Week 6
laura johnson <>
9/30/2024, 9:51 PM

Dear Parents,


In this email you will find the following:


1. Parent Volunteers - last chance to find a spot if you need to volunteer

2. CHAT spiritwear

3. Grades 7-12:  CHAT Gym Day

4. Grades 7-12: College Fair opportunity




1.  If you still need to volunteer, please do that now.  If you would like to fill-in and get paid for it, you are welcome to pick up to 5 spots starting Thursday.  Voluntter here




2. Every year our Student Council sells CHAT spiritwear.  Look for an email later this week with the link and details.  This is their main fundraiser for the year. 




3. CHAT Gym Day is Oct. 10th from 3:30-4:30.  Game is dodgeball!




4. The NACCAP (North American Coalition for Christian Admissions Professionals) college fair will be held at Southwest Christian High School (Chaska), on Tuesday, October 22nd 6:30pm - 8:30pm. 


There are over 30 Colleges & Universities, Nationwide, registered for the event! Please share this opportunity with your students. They can find out more and register here.

Laura Johnson
CHAT Co-Director