Testing Resources

All homeschooled students must take a nationally normed achievement test each year (Minnesota Statute 120A.22.)  In addition, most colleges require a standardized test for regular college admission and/or PSEO admisstion.  


The Pre-ACT Test

The PreACT® test is a multiple-choice assessment in the areas of math, English, science, and reading, that provides an early measure of College and Career Readiness and serves as a practice opportunity for the ACT® college entrance test. This test was designed especially for tenth graders, but students in other grades are invited to take this test for practice.  Visit the ACT website for more information.

The PreACT® 8/9 is a multiple-choice assessment that provides an earlier measure of College and Career Readiness while serving as an earlier practice opportunity for the ACT® test. It was designed especially for 8th and 9th grade students. These tests are offered to assist you and your student(s) with college preparedness.

Here is one suggestion of how to utilize these testing opportunities:

  1. Take the PreACT® 8/9 in both 7th and 8th grades.
  2. Take the PreACT® in both 9th and 10th grades.
  3. Take the regular ACT® in 11th grade.

Reasons to take the PreACT & PreACT 8/9 test:

  • Practice taking a college entrance exam without the pressure of the ACT.
  • Begin thinking and planning for your life after high school.
  • Receive an estimated ACT score so you can see your academic strengths and weaknesses and still have time to adjust if necessary. (CHAT offers an ACT Prep class in the spring.)
  • Discover more about your fields of interest through the interests and careers component of the PreACT test.
  • Satisfy the yearly testing requirement for home educated students in Minnesota. (Check with your individual school district.)
  • Use the results to submit with your PSEO application. Most colleges require a standardized test score for PSEO applicants. (Check with the college of your choice to make sure they accept this test.)


Annual Standardized Testing

Here are some other options for yearly testing (not an exhaustive list):

 WINGS offers the SAT10  in the spring for students 2nd grade through high school. It is a bubble-fill test and given to a group of students at one time. It will be administered at Grace Church through WINGS. If you would like to sign up to have your children tested through WINGS, you can contact them at wingsatgrace@gmail.com.

The Peabody is a one-on-one oral test.  Students who are 7 years old and up may take this test.  Here is the contact information for a few people who administer this test that we know of:

The Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement (WJ-III) is a one-on-one, untimed, non-bracketed test.  It measures achievement from pre-K - 18.0 (graduate degree).  The Standard version is a great assessment for those who have topped out of the Peabody at 12.9 in most areas or for those who want to use a more recently normed test.  See the website for a complete description of the versions offered.  Here is the contact information for someone who administers this test:

There is also the Iowa Basics test that you may administer at home to students of all grades.  There are a few prerequisites that Bob Jones has in order tyo administer it, so check that out online if you are interested.  Another option is www.familylearning.org.